“Tarot” is a horror film that attempts to weave a narrative around a group of friends haunted by cursed Tarot cards. While the premise holds promise, the execution falls short, resulting in a movie that struggles to find its footing and ultimately delivers a lackluster experience.
The film’s concept—a monster movie mashup featuring various Tarot cards as different antagonists—could have been a thrilling ride. Unfortunately, “Tarot” ends up feeling like a flavor-of-the-month horror flick that fails to capture the essence of genuine fear or suspense. The slow-burn pacing does little to build tension, and when the movie does pick up, it resorts to reusing tired horror tropes that other films have executed far better. The result is almost comical at times, stripping away any potential for unnerving or psychological horror.
One of the movie’s most glaring issues is its atrocious writing.
The script offers nothing new or interesting, relying on clichéd dialogue and predictable plot points. The characters are poorly developed, and the cast feels out of sync, as if they were randomly thrown together without much thought. This disjointed group of characters lacks the chemistry necessary to make their interactions believable or engaging.
Jacob Batalon, known for his role in the new Spider-Man movies, appears in “Tarot” as a character intended for comedic relief. However, his presence feels out of place and fails to contribute meaningfully to the story. Instead of adding a humorous touch, his character’s inclusion only highlights the film’s struggle to find a consistent tone.
The movie’s use of Tarot cards as the basis for its antagonists could have been an intriguing angle, but the execution leaves much to be desired. The various monsters inspired by the Tarot deck lack originality and fail to deliver any real scares. Instead, they come across as mere caricatures, further diminishing the film’s potential impact.
“Tarot” falls into the below 4 out of 10 tier in terms of quality and overall score. It’s a film that neither entertains nor scares, making it a disappointing entry in the horror genre. The combination of poor writing, miscast actors, and a lack of originality results in a movie that is difficult to recommend.
For those seeking a horror film that genuinely delivers thrills and chills, “Tarot” is likely to leave them feeling unsatisfied and unimpressed.